
Source for Company Information

https://www.aihitdata.com is a unique source of company information. It can monitor and understand the changes that occur on company websites; afterwards, it records these changes as time series transactions. Most company information databases might tell you the name of a company’s CEO. aiHitdata will tell you when the CEO changed and show the resulting transaction, date and change details. Most query engines and company databases simply tell you what a company currently says on its website. aiHitdata shows you how the company has changed over time. Most company databases quickly become out of date. aiHitdata is constantly being updated.


Live Feed of Corporate Changes

Reddit live feed of critical changes that occur on company websites over the world https://www.reddit.com/r/CorporateNews/

Twitter live feed of critical changes that occur on company websites over the world https://twitter.com/aiHitPulse


What is RL3

RL3 (a regex on steroids) is a natural language and unstructured data processing engine with many areas of application including conversational interfaces, interactive agents, semi-structured and unstructured data processing, named entity extraction, web mining, parsing and categorization. For more details refer to RL3 Wiki.

RL3 Standard Library (NLP) is now open-source

The RL3 Standard Library is a collection of modules accessible to an RL3 program to simplify the programming process and remove the need to rewrite commonly used RL3 patterns and predicates.

Our goal is to create a community-driven library of general NLP, unstructured and semi-structured text patterns that can empower personal, research and educational projects.

We welcome any feedback and contributions. Join RL3 Standard Library project on GitHub: https://github.com/jokruger/rl3stdlib


How to Make a Chatbot in Python Using RL3

A guide on building your own simple chatterbot with RL3 and Python. No specialized chatbot platforms or chatbot engines are used.


How To Extract Emails From Text File

In the real-world a regular expression may be not the best tool to extract emails due to different anti-scraping techniques used. The following article describes solution for efficient email addresses extraction: How To Extract Email Addresses From Text